Unburden Yourself

Sometimes we just need someone to talk to, someone to tell our story to a listening and nonjudgemental ear. Though this is not therapy, simply confiding in another person can be healing and transformative. 

Tell Your Story is a powerful FREE service to talk with an objective, anonymous, and confidential listener called your confidant. You can tell your confidant your struggle, pain, joy, fear, or excitement and they will listen. 

Things to Know:

* Sessions are 45 minutes long.

* Zoom sessions can be with cameral on or off for  both you and your confidant.

*You can choose to get feedback and support from your confidant or just have a listening ear. 

* This is NOT licensed counseling or therapy. Your confidant is not qualified to perform crisis intervention or trauma healing. 

* Let us know in the Request Form if you would prefer to speak with an LGBTQ+ confidant

Perfect if you want to talk to a compassionate listener without the baggage that comes with therapy, 12-step meetings, pastoral counseling, crisis hotlines, or confiding in family & friends. 

Fill out the Request Form below with your chosen name, email address, and anything you'd like us to know before we speak. You will receive a scheduling email for you to choose a day/time for your call and a link for our Zoom call. Then log onto Zoom at the designated time and speak to your Confidant.